List of Basic Linux Commands

Here is the list of basic linux commands that may help you to get started in infosec 

ping -  this command is too check whether computers are connected or not

curl - this command is use to make any HTTP request.    

echo - this command is use to print the value.

wget - this command is used to download files.

cd - this command is for changing directories.

mkdir - this command is use to create directory.

mv - this command is use to move data.

dig - this command is use to check IP for domains.

nslookup - this command is also use to check IP of any domain same as dig (DNS query) 

whois - this command  checks that whether the domain registred or not

ssh - this command is for  for remote login known as secure shell.

telnet - this command is same as ssh but insecure.

ngrep -  this command is for grep for network

tcpdump -this command will show you the packets for on port 80.

ifconfig - this command is to check your IP address.

iwconfig - this commandis to manage wireless network settings

nc - this command is to make TCP connections manually known as netcat.

ethtool -this command is for managing physical ethernet connections and netnetwork cards.

scp - this command is to copy file over ssh connection.

sysctl - this command is to configure linux kernel's stack.

netstat - this command is to check what ports are server using.


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